Building Community
As a volunteer-powered organization, the Grant Park Neighborhood Association (GPNA) relies on our committees to drive our community-building projects.
Committee members work together to address issues, develop plans and programs, manage resources, and implement initiatives that align with our mission.
Our Committees
Land Use & Zoning
This committee reviews and votes on zoning, variance, and special use permit applications heard by the Neighborhood Planning Unit. They meet regularly on the 4th monthly Thursday on Zoom. Join us! See LUZ documents.
Public Safety
The Grant Park Public Safety committee meets jointly with the NPU-W Neighborhood Safety committee on the second Wednesday of every month, on Zoom at 7pm. We discuss recent safety concerns. Join us!
Homes & History
Originally formed to successfully qualify the Grant Park neighborhood for historic district status, the committee focuses on collecting and preserving the past through events, education, & outreach. See the historic district map & regulations. Join us!
This committee is a platform for neighbors to share ideas and concerns to make our transportation corridors & inner streets safer and more accessible, with a focus on various modes of transportation, like public transit. Join us as we meet with NPU-W!